Thursday, April 25, 2019

Injune in April in the wet

Anzac Day
The expected starter motor did NOT arrive on Wednesday, and again because of the public holiday we now have to wait until Friday. We have now cancelled out Winton and will be just happy to get to Longreach.
It poured rain non stop all day Wednesday and this morning had to be winched out of our boggy spot to higher ground. We were invited to attend the Anzac Day Parade in town by the caravan park hosts, followed by a bbq lunch at the Bowls Club. To show our gratitude for all that these wonderful people have done for us we pitched in to help prepare the food. At least it has stopped raining and we can only hope to get on our way tomorrow.


  1. Oh my goodness! Such adventures you and Dell are having! Disappointing for you both that your trip has had to be re-organised but what wonderful country hospitality you are being shown. Keep smiling and keep us posted. cheerio for now xxx

  2. Thinking of you..Glad you spent Anzac Day with everyone..Good Luck for your escape..All ok at home. Back for sewing then off to Tamborine 4 wk..xx
